We understand that coming to hospital can be a difficult and emotional time for lots of people. If you are facing a time of illness, uncertainty or change you can meet with a member of our friendly Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Team who can provide emotional, pastoral and spiritual support, as well as a listening ear when you need it the most.
If you would like to speak to, or would like to have a visit from a chaplain, please ask either a member of the nursing staff, ring the hospital switchboard on 01625 421000 or call the Chaplaincy Co-ordinator on 01625 661334 and they will make contact with a chaplain on your behalf to arrange a visit.
For non-urgent referrals, there is also the option to email one of the team via

The Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Team are made up of representatives from the Church of England, Roman Catholic and Free Church with links to other faith communities, including Hindu, Muslim and Sikh. They are supported by a team of just under 100 volunteers from the local churches within the surrounding area.
Our hospital chaplains offer confidential, spiritual, religious and pastoral care to patients, their carers, visitors and staff, of all faiths, beliefs, religions and non- religions.
The Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Team also provide a 24/7 emergency service for end of life situations or for people who are experiencing extreme distress. If you think your need is urgent please talk to a member of staff and they will contact a chaplain.
St Luke's Chapel can be located on the ground floor, a short distance from the main reception.
The Chapel is open through the day and may be used for prayer, worship, mediation or quiet time. There is also a quiet room that can be used throughout the day for quiet reflection. The Chapel is closed at 9pm. However access can be arranged if required by speaking to a member of staff.
If you have any comments or suggestions which would enhance this space for the purposes of multi-faith observance, please contact Chaplaincy Co-ordinator on 01625 663386 or email ecn-tr.chaplaincyteam@nhs.net
There are a number of opportunities for prayer and attendance at formal services which are held in St Luke's Chapel for patients, their carers, visitors and staff. If you are a patient and you would like to attend at one of services, speak to the nursing staff and (subject to being well enough to attend) they will arrange for a specially trained volunteer to collect you.
Patients who are unable to attend the chapel may receive Holy Communion at their bedside, on the ward during the week. Please speak to the nursing staff and ask for a Chaplaincy Consent Form or ask the staff to ring and speak to a chaplain on your behalf.
There are a number of services held throughout the year in St Luke's Chapel. The Roman Catholic Mass and special services are led by the Trust’s Chaplaincy and Spiritual Care Team. The services held on a Sunday are run voluntarily by local churches and are supported by a team of Chaplaincy Volunteers.
On occasions, there may be the need for a service to be cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances and we apologise in advance for any inconvenience that this may cause you.
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