Please help us keep our sites safe and clean for everyone by not smoking or vaping anywhere on our sites.
Please respect people’s space and dispose of litter properly if you choose to leave one of our sites to smoke.
Support to stop smoking
If you would like to quit smoking, help and support are available.
- Cheshire East residents can access support for tobacco addiction by calling 0808 1643 202 or visiting:
- The NHS' quit smoking page has a range of information and resources to help you quit. Visit:
- The NHS Smoke Free App is also available to help you quit smoking and start breathing easier. The app allows you to track progress, see how much you’re saving, and get daily support. Search for ‘NHS Smoke Free’ on your app store to download
- There is a large variety of nicotine replacement therapies available – ask your GP, pharmacist or local stop smoking service what support you are able to access.
NHS Smokefree Pledge
- In March 2024, East Cheshire NHS Trust signed the NHS Smokefree Pledge.
- The Pledge is designed to be a clear and visible way for NHS organisations to show their commitment to helping smokers to quit and to providing smokefree environments which support quitting.
- In signing the NHS Smokefree Pledge, organisations commit to reduce the harm caused by tobacco through implementing comprehensive smokefree policies.
- The Pledge has been endorsed NHS England, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, the Association of Directors of Public Health, the Royal College of Midwives, the Faculty of Public Health, and the British Medical Association.
- In England alone, almost 75,000 people die from smoking related diseases each year. Smoking accounts for over one-third of all deaths from respiratory disease, one quarter of all deaths from cancer and over one tenth of all deaths caused by circulatory diseases. On average, smoking reduces life expectancy by 10 years. If hospitalised, people who smoke are more likely to require longer stays and need intensive care after surgery.

Inpatient Tobacco Dependency Service
East Cheshire NHS Trust is now offering a Treating Tobacco Dependency Service for inpatients that smoke and are admitted to Macclesfield Hospital.
On 8th April 2024 the Trust launched its new Treating Tobacco Dependency Service, addressing the NHS Long Term Plan’s commitment that “by 2023/24, all people admitted to hospital who smoke will be offered NHS-funded treatment services”.
This has been funded by both Cheshire and Merseyside ICB and Cheshire East Public Health Department.
Our new Tobacco Dependency Advisors will:
- Offer tobacco cessation advice to each patient who smokes
- Prescribe nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) suited to the needs of the patient
- Encourage the patient to continue being smoke-free post discharge
- Complete an onward referral to local stop-smoking services (provided by One You East Cheshire, or a local pharmacy)
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