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Surgical Treatment Unit (STU)

Surgical Treatment Unit (STU) is a 24 hour emergency surgery assessment unit. The unit is for people who have been referred by their Doctor / GP or from the Emergency Department (A&E) for a surgical assessment.

Speciality Surgery
Ward Manager Sharon McCoy
Matron Sam Leonard
Location 1st Floor


Contacting the ward
01625 661737


Visiting times
No visitors allowed to this ward at the current time


How long will it take to walk to this ward
The time it will take to walk to this ward from the following entrance and nearest car park.  This is based on on the average person walking at a moderate pace in the most direct route and using the stairs where applicable.
Main entrance Rear entrance Orthopaedic Outpatients entrance
(Fieldbank road)

3 minutes 45 seconds

4 minutes 

3 minutes 30 seconds

You will need to use stairs or elevator You will need to use stairs or elevator You will enter on the same level



Electronic devices
The following devices are permitted on this ward.

Please note: Patients and visitors are not permitted to charge any of their electronic devices using electrical outlets on our premises.
Mobile phone Yes
Tablet (iPad etc.) Yes
Laptop Yes
Portable gaming device Yes




Staff who care for you
Senior Sister
Ward Sister
Staff Nurse
Health Care Assistance
Ward Clerk


Staff who you might meet
Occupational therapists
Specialist nurses


Personal items
What can or should I bring to the ward? (patients)

Hearing aids


What can or should I NOT bring to the ward? (patients) Any valuables
Large amounts of money
Large items due to limited space