East Cheshire NHS Trust has signed up to the Mencap Get It Right Charter
See the person, not the disability
All people with a learning disability have an equal right to healthcare.
All healthcare professionals have a duty to make reasonable adjustments to the treatment they provide to people with a learning disability.
All healthcare professionals should provide a high standard of care and treatment and value the lives of people with a learning disability.
By signing this charter, we pledge to:
- make sure that hospital passports are available and used
- make sure that all our staff understand and apply the principles of mental capacity laws
- appoint a learning disability liaison nurse in our hospital(s)
- make sure every eligible person with a learning disability can have an annual health check
- provide ongoing learning disability awareness training for all staff
- listen to, respect and involve families and carers
- provide practical support and information to families and carers
- provide information that is accessible for people with a learning disability
- display the Getting it right principles for everyone to see.
For guidance on implementing this pledge, please visit the Mancap website.
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